Monday, May 16, 2011

balance ball for exercise and improve posture right at your desk

Here are a few great balance ball exercises you can do on the floor close to your desk or right at home!!  These exercises are designed to improve posture and energy!  The following exercises can be performed daily.  It will only take you 5 minutes!  Please consult your doctor before trying any of these exercises:

1.  Hip and back extension:  Starting position:  Place heels on top of the ball, legs almost fully extended and hips resting on the floor.  You are in the 'face up position.'  End position:  Lift your hips off the floor until legs are fully extended and it feels like you are pushing up with your heels and your body weight is balanced between your shoulder blades and heels.  Do not push up with your neck.  repeat 10 times, breathe out while pushing up and breathe in while returning to the starting position.

2.  Leg Curl:  Starting position:  This exercise begins exactly like the Hip and Back extension above, except you place the ball behind your knees.  End Position:  Begin by lifting your hips off the floor until they are in line with your knees and shoulders, then pull your heels toward your buttocks until the bottom of your feet touch the ball, repeat 10 times.

Pacing is important! Lift up to a count of two and descend to the floor to a count of four.  Breathe and relax through the entire exercise, even if you get tired.  have fun!!

Fitness for Fun!: heart rate zones for endurance training and weekly diagramming

Fitness for Fun!: heart rate zones for endurance training and weekly diagramming